Y Pethau
lles natur cymru


Y Pethau Bychain can visit the school setting and plan a purposeful, tailored workshop or block of sessions to meet the unique needs and requirements of the school and pupils.Various packages are available for schools and nursery groups:
  • Weekly or block sessions to meet specific needs.
  • Half day or full day workshops.
  • Transform or create a wellbeing area in a room, corner or in the outdoor area.
  • Sessions for staff introducing In a Globe or sharing Forest School based activity ideas and ethos based practice.

Our intention is to create easy and fun sessions and resources that entice the class outdoors; to move, create and play to improve mental health and nature connectivity. Session content will vary; including mindfulness, yoga and massage stories, breathing exercises or creating using natural resources. All workshops will be designed to meet the requirements of the Curriculum for Wales including:
  • Promoting healthy, confident individuals who nurture their mental and emotional well-being by developing confidence, resilience and empathy.
  • Exploring the expressive arts through their own creative work and the work of others which enables learners to become curious and creative individuals.
  • When supporting learners to develop strategies that help them manage their emotions, this in turn can contribute towards mental health and positive emotional well-being.
  • Experiencing the wonder of the natural world can contribute to the spiritual development and well-being of the learners.