Y Pethau
lles natur cymru

Welcome to Y Pethau Bychain

Bespoke workshops and resources promoting nature connectedness and well-being through the Arts and Forest School pedagogy.

Nia Jewell has years of teaching experience in the primary and secondary sector. She has created three television programs for Cyw; Sblij and Sbloj (early literacy), Shwshaswyn (mindfulness) and Misho (coping with anxiety). Nia has also written a book for children, Shwshaswyn - Gardening and created wellbeing learning resources with Atebol, Mewn Glôb.

Nia Dooley has many years teaching in inner city Manchester and the Wirral. She is a Forest School facilitator and is qualified to teach outdoors giving positive, educational and safe experiences to primary learners and beyond! She has an arty background and both are qualified to teach mindfulness, yoga and breathing exercises to young learners.

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